What Protocols or Ports need to be open for CruzOC

Common Communication Ports and Protocols Used by Cruz Operation Center

1.   Introduction

This document is intended to supplement Pre-deployment Recommendations, Guides and Proposals. It identifies  The ports and protocols required for management of network devices, servers and operating systems as well as Application Port that are used to support the NMS application itself.

There are several deployment options  like “single server” where all components are on one server as well as distributed and HA deployment where one more components are on separate servers or VMs. The Application Port and Protocols section included port required between these distributed components. 

Note: If there is a Firewall on the management server, the CruzOC Installation will automatically open the necessary communication ports. You will need to ensure that other firewalls between the management Server are open to allow the necessary communication on the port listed below. 

1.1   Network Management - Required Protocols/ Ports

The software requires IP connectivity to the target devices. These are the primary management protocols and ports that are used to discover, manage and monitor most equipment.  These communication ports must be open between the Management Server and target equipment.  These include:  

  • CLI –Telnet /SSH (discovery, CLI actions, file management –ports 22,23)
  • SNMP (Discovery, Traps, Events, SNMP interface Performance Monitoring) –ports 161,162 for linux 8162,8163
  • Syslog –Logs (if required) - Port 514 for Linux 8514
  • SCP, FTP,TFTP – File management backup/restore and firmware deploy –port 20,21,22,23 
    The target devices must have access to the file server. The Mangement Server must also have access to the File server
    Traffic Flow: Sflow, Cflow, IPFix etc – default port 9996
  • HTTP/HTTPS for direct access to a devices Web UI

1.2   Server and OS Management - Required Protocols/ Ports

          Open these communication ports to the NMS server  if you intend to manage Operating       system such as   Windows or Linux. 


  • Windows OS with Dot net is required to for WMI (Dot net 4.6 or higher recommended)
  • WMI – if monitoring windows is required, WMI port/connectivity is required.

       WMI ports:

                        TCP port 135 and a range of dynamic ports:

                                    TCP 49152-65535 (RPC dynamic ports – Windows Vista, 2008 and above)

                                    TCP 1024-65535 (RPC dynamic ports – Windows NT4, Windows 2000,2003                                   

              Widows Performance Counter Access: TCP port 445 (SMB, RPC/NP)

  • WBEM - if monitoring Linux, solaris, esx or other linux based OS’s, WBEM must be configured on the target and access via WBEM is required.
  • Redfish – if BMC /OOB monitoring is required (ie IDRAC, XCC,ILO, CMC) port 443
  • Powershell - port 5989/5986

1.3   Application Ports /Protocols

This table includes additional port for communication between software components. 


Destination Ports







... or user-configured database host, if using MySQL server.

8089, 8162, 8489 [HTTPS], 8082

Application server



8080, 8443 [HTTPS]

Web Portal:



HTTP/S (Web Client)

8089, 4


[user.root]\oware\lib\owweb services.properties


this port was 80 in some previous versions.

8489, 4, 5, 7

org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector (Apache)

[user.root]\oware\jboss-*.*\server\oware\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat41.sar\META-INF\ jboss-service.xml

app/medserver, jmx console, and web services, including Axis2

Other Ports




MedSrv -> NtwkElement, NtwkElement -> MedSrv, ICMP ping for connection monitoring.

20, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)

FTP Data Port



Configurable in File Servers portlet editor

(Internally configurable), “MedSrv -> FTPSrv

NtwkElement -> FTPSrv”


21, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)

FTP Control Port


(Internally Configurable) “MedSrv -> FTPSrv

NtwkElement -> FTPSrv”


22, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)



MedSrv -> NtwkElement, secure craft access


23, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)



MedSrv -> NtwkElement, non-secure craft access


25, 4,5, 7 (TCP)

com.dorado.mbeans.OWEmailMBean (mail)

Configurable in the SMTP configuration editor in the Common Setup Tasks portlet.

AppSrv -> SmtpRelay, communication channel to email server from Appserver

69, 4, 5, 7 (UDP)



(Configurable internally), MedSrv -> TFTPSrv


NtwkElement -> TFTPSrvmedserver1

161, 4, 5, 7


com.dorado.media tion.snmp.request.listener.port (SNMP), oware.media tion.snmp.trap.forward ing.source.port


MedSrv -> NtwkElement, SNMP request listener and trap forwarding source


162, 4, 5 (UDP)

oware.media tion.snmp.trap.forwarding.des tination.port (SNMP)

[user.root]\owareapps\ezmediation\lib\ezmediation.properties change this property:


NtwkElement -> MedSrv, SNMP trap forwarding destination port, medserver1

514, 4, 5 (UDP)

com.dorado.mediation.syslog.port (syslog)

To change the syslog port, add com.dorado.mediation.syslog.port=[new port number] to owareapps\installprops\lib\installed.properties

NtwkElement -> MedSrv (mediation syslog port) medserver1

1098, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)

org.jboss.naming.NamingService (JBOSS)

[user root]\oware\jboss-*.*\owareconf\jboss-root-service.xml

AppSrv -> MedSrv

MedSrv -> AppSrv

user client ->AppSrv

user client ->MedSrv, (JBOSS naming service), app/medserver

1099, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)

org.jboss.naming.NamingService (JBOSS)


MedSrv -> AppSrv, user client -> AppSrv, user client -> MedSrv,

(JBOSS naming service & OWARE context server URL), app/medserver

1099, 2, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)


[user.root]\oware apps\install props\lib\installed.properties

[user.root]\oware apps\install props\medserver\lib\installed.properties

MedSrv -> AppSrv, user client -> AppSrv. user client -> MedSrv. (JBOSS naming service & OWARE context server URL)











1103, 4, 5 (UDP)

jnp.reply.discoveryPort (JNP)


AppSrv -> MedSrv, AppSrv -> user client, (JNP reply discovery port), app/medserver

1123, 4, 5 (UDP)

jnp.discoveryPort (JNP)


MedSrv -> AppSrv, user client -> AppSrv, (JNP discovery port), app/medserver

1521, 4, 7 (TCP)

com.dorado.jdbc.database_name.oracle (JDBC)

[user.root]\oware apps\install props\lib\installed.properties

AppSrv ->OracleDBSrv, (JDBC database naming [Oracle])


1812, 4, 7 (TCP)

RADIUS port 


AppSrv -> RADIUS Srv, Appserver (RADIUS

client login enabled – optional)

3306, 4, 7 (TCP)


[user.root]\oware apps\install props\lib\installed.properties

AppSrv -> MySQLSrv, (JDBC database naming [MySQL]) appserver)

3100, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)

3200, 4, 5, 7

org.jboss.ha.jndi.HANaming Service (JBOSS)



AppSrv -> AppSrv,

user client -> AppSrv

AppSrv -> MedSrv MedSrv -> AppSrv user client -> AppSrv user client -> MedSrv (JBOSS HA JNDI HA Naming service [1100 is stub]


3355, 4 - application & mediation servers


8082 - portal

Direct access

Override application server port with this property: com.dorado.mediation.socket.relay.listen.port=3355

For both, the relay increments from the default until lit can bind to an open port.



[user.root]/oware/jboss-*.*/server/all/conf/jboss-service.xml, RMIObjectPort, jboss:service =invoker,type=jrmp


4445, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)

org.jboss.invocation.pooled.server.PooledInvoker (JBOSS)


AppSrv -> MedSrv

MedSrv -> AppSrv

user client -> AppSrv

user client -> MedSrv, app/medserver

4446, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)

org.jboss.invoca tion.jrmp.server.JRMPInvoker (JBOSS)


(AppSrv ->AppSrv, AppSrv -> MedSrv, MedSrv -> AppSrv, user client -> AppSrv, user client -> MedSrv) app/medserver

5988, 5989

WBEM Daemon (5989 is the secure port) defaults


You can add ports and daemons in monitored services. These are only the default. WBEM requires one port, and only one, per daemon.

6500-10, 4, 5, 7 (TCP)


Specify such connections in the ezmediation/lib/ezmediation.properties file.

user client -> MedSrv (user client to mediation server cut-through)

7800, 2(TCP)

org.jboss.ha.frame work.server.ClusterPartition (JBOSS)


disabled - see UDP for same, (JBOSS HA frame work server cluster partition) TCP only

8009 (TCP)

org.mort bay.http.ajp.AJP13Listener

[user.root]\oware\jboss-*.*\server\oware\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat41.sar\META-INF\ jboss-service.xml

Obsolete — appserver

8083 (TCP)

org.jboss.web.WebService (JBOSS)


Used by JBoss web service, appserver

8093, 4, 5. 7 (TCP)



MedSrv -> AppSrv, user client -> AppSrv (JBOSS mq il uil2 UIL Server-IL Server), app/medserver (Jboss JMS)

8443, 2, 4, 5, 7


[user.root]\oware\jboss-*.*\server\oware\deploy\jbossweb.sar\META-INF\ jboss-service.xml

user client -> AppSrv (Apache Coyote Tomcat4 Coyote connector), appserver. This is the default HTTPS port for the web portal.

9001, 4, 6, 7 (UDP)

mediation.listener.multi cast.intercomm.port

[user.root]\lib\owmediation listeners.properties

MedSrv <-> MedSrv (mediation listener multicast intercommunications port)


9996, 6343 (UDP)

Traffic Flow Analysis


You must configure the router to send flow reports to the  OpenManage Network Manager server on UDP port 9996 for Netflow / jFlow and 6343 for sflow by default.

31310, 4, 6, 7 (TCP)



AppSrv -> AppSrv

45566, 4, 5 (UDP)

org.jboss.ha.frame work.server.ClusterPartition

[user.root]\jboss-*.*\owareconf \cluster-service.xml

AppSrv -> Multicast, (JBoss HA frame work server cluster partition), UDP only

54027, 4,7

Process Monitor

[user.root]\oware\lib\pmstar tup.dat

mgmt client -> AppSrv, mgmt client -> MedSrv (process monitor local client for server stop/start/status) app/medserver

1 Remote mediation servers or application servers behaving as though they were mediation servers (single host installation).

2 Unused in standard configuration.

3 Client does not connect to medserver on this port.

4 This port is configurable.

5Firewall Impacting

6The most likely deployment scenarios will have all servers co-resident at the same physical location; as such, communications will not traverse through a firewall
