Reset Admin Password to Default

If the admin password needs to be reset. Follow these steps to reset your user database back to the default password.

Step 1 - Backup your database  <click here>

Step 2 - Reset Password to Default

Option 1: Determine Password Encryption Type in MySql

Execute the following MySQL command to determine what password encoding your system has 

cmd> oware for windows or . /etc/.dsienv
sql cmd > mysql -u root -pdorado -e "SELECT userId, screenName, password_ FROM lportal.User_ WHERE screenName = 'admin';"

Expected output:
| userId | screenName | password_ |
| 10196 | admin | 0DPiKuNIrrVmD8IUCuw1hQxNqZc= |

Encoding options:
Password "admin" in SHA-1: "0DPiKuNIrrVmD8IUCuw1hQxNqZc="
Password "admin" in SHA-256: "jGl25bVBBBW96Qi9Te4V37Fnqchz/Eu4qB9vKrRIqRg="

Option 2: View Encryption Level: SHA-1 or SHA-256 Property

Print out to View the using the "more" command

cmd > more GetProperty $CATALINA_ROOT/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ passwords.encryption.algorithm


This is what you are looking for:

# Override the default encryption algorithm used to store encrypted
# passwords in the database. Example: passwords.encryption.algorithm=SHA-256

Step 3 - Change Password based on your Encryption Type

# If SHA-1, reset password

mysql -u root -pdorado -e "UPDATE lportal.User_ SET password_ = to_base64(unhex(sha1('admin'))) WHERE screenName = 'admin1';"

# If SHA-256, reset password

mysql -u root -pdorado -e "UPDATE lportal.User_ SET password_ = to_base64(unhex(sha2('admin',256))) WHERE screenName = 'admin';"

Step 5 - Restart web server after resetting passwords


In a command-line Source OWARE Environment

cmd> oware in windows or . /etc/.dsinenv for Linux

Windows Options:

net stop/start/status synergy (Webserver)

  • net stop synergy
  • net start synergy
  • net status synergy

Linux Options:


  • sudo service synergy stop
  • sudo service synergy start
  • sudo service synergy status
App Server
  • service oware stop
  • service oware start
  • service oware status