Backup/restore dialog window does not display completely

This issue was discovered in v8.0.1.66. In the GUI when trying to schedule a backup the screen is not completely. These steps will assist you in resolving this issue.


The backup/restore dialog window does not display completely.


Backup/Device dialog should look like this


#1 Remove the Default Resource Filter from the DB

From and mysql command prompt run this:

Open up a command window

cmd> mysql -u root --password=dorado

mysql prompt> DELETE FROM owbusdb.rc_inv_filter where rc_inv_filter_oid = 'com.dorado.redcell.inventory.base.InvFilterData::RC_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_FILTER';

#2 Reseed the redcell.ocp component. 

Source the OWARE Environment

cmd line > oware in Windows and . /etc/.dsienv in Linux

cmd line > cd $OWARE_USER_ROOT/owareapps
cmd line> ocpinstall -s redcell.ocp

#3 Restart the App and Web servers