Export Data from the server.logs File

This article describes how to run the following (tail/head) commands to export the first and last 20000 lines from the server log.

Do a listing of your /opt/VAroot/dellemc/openmanage/networkmanager/oware/jboss-5.1/server/oware/log directory

rw-r---- 1 synergy synergy 42G Apr 24 23:59 server.log.2020-04-24.log

Then run the following 2 commands to take a snapshot of your log files for further investigation.

/user/synger> cd ../..
/>cd /opt/VAroot/dellemc/openmanage/networkmanager/oware/jboss-5.1/server/oware/log

tail -20000 server.log.2020-04-24.log > doradotail.log
head -20000 server.log.2020-04-24.log > doradohead.log

Please zip up the .log files and reply to your ticket email or contact support at tsc@doradosoftware.com.