Backing up your database is always recommended before any major changes or password resets. Migration to a new server also requires a backup and restore of the db
Backup Options:
VM - Take Snapshot
Manually backup your database with Mysqldump command
Stop appserver/webserver
Use Mysqldump to Backup/Export All Databases:
Set the CLI environment with these commands
cmd prompt> oware
environment is set at CLI login
Copy/Backup Database with these commands:
cmd prompt> mysqldump -uroot -pdorado --single-transaction --all-databases --triggers --routines --events >all_databases.sql
Restore ALL databases:
cmd prompt> oware
environment is set at CLI login
cmd prompt> mysql -u root --password=dorado < all_databases.sql
cmd prompt> dbpostinstall
Migrating to a new Server
If migrating to another server or to an alternate Operating system, the target system MUST be on the same software version as the exported Db.
General Steps:
- Backup the source CruzOC DB
- On new server install the exact same version of CruzOC as the one installed for source DB
- Restore the DB from Step 1 to the new server installation of CruzOC
NOTE: Linux to Windows migrations
If changing OS from Linux to Windows or Windows to Linux there can be issues with case sensitivity on the table name. Linux is case sensitive and Windows is not.
For a detail explanation refer to this link.
Here are some references to set up a cron jobs to automate your backups.
Backing up MySQL Database using mysqldump & crontab Windows
The Beginners Guide To Cron Jobs