The configuration backup file is copied to the database and then by default, the 'backup config file' is deleted from the file server. Follow these steps to retain a copy of the backup/config files.
Update the INSTALL_DIR\owareapps\installprops\lib\
Add this parameter to the end of file:
Save file
Restart the Appserver
Warning: If the backup is not moved to another directory the file will be overwritten.
Automate the archive process by using a windows task or a Linux cron job to copy the files from the fileserver folder to another folder. These tasks need to run after the OMNM backup completes and before the next schedule OMNM backup.
Setup a Windows Task or a Linux Cron job to archive your device backups
Although this parameter will not delete the backup from the server. The fileserver is not under OMNM control. Work with your system administrator to set up a windows task or a Linux cron job to copy the backups to another directory to allow you to archive the device backups.
If the backup is not moved to another directory before the next scheduled backup the file will be overwritten.
You can automate an archive process by using a windows task or a Linux cron job to copy the files from the fileserver folder to another folder.
These tasks need to run after the OMNM backup completes and before the next schedule OMNM backup.
Here is a reference to setting up a windows task
Here is an example of a Linux Cron job to copy files to another folder
Recommendation: Add your new Archive folder to your system backup schedule.